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Q: How long can you remain celibate without damage?
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How long before being considered celibate?

a priest would know the answer to that. if you are able to find a celibate one that is.

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What actors and actresses appeared in Celibate Desires - 2010?

The cast of Celibate Desires - 2010 includes: Cindy Baer as Jamie Woodnit An Wise as Gudrun - the long deceased mother

Can a damaged liver cause drugs to remain in the system long after use?

Yes any long term pain medication can cause liver damage.

How long can a finger go without circulation before irreversible damage occurs?

A finger can go without circulation for about 6-8 hours before irreversible damage occurs.

What is called of a long period without rain?

A long period without rain is called a drought. It can lead to water shortages, crop failures, and environmental damage.

How long can a photo be preserved in ice without any damage to the image?

is the ice in or out of the frezzer

What will Prevent laser damage to the eye?

By not looking at a screen for to long without taking a break.

Must a catholic church member believe Jesus was celibate?

They are individuals, they can believe whatever they like. While it is commonly believed he wasn't married and therefore he would have been celibate, it would matter either way. Faith and belief in Christ and the purpose of chrisitanity doesn't rely on Jesus being celibate or not. It is moot.

If the College of Cardinals is permitted to elected a married man as pope how would the policy of celibacy be applied to such a man?

I would imagine, that on the outside chance this ever occurred, the new pope would be allowed to keep his wife. When a married cleric from a non Catholic religion converts to Catholicism and is ordained, he is allowed to remain married. He would probably have to remain celibate, however. This is similar to the permanent diaconate where, once ordained, the new deacon must remain celibate but married. However, as long as his wife survives he would be unable to be ordained as a priest. It has been centuries since the Church elected a non cardinal as pope so the chances of this situation ever arising is remote.

Can males get sick or ill if they don't have a mate?

No there is a wealth of examples of celibate men, living long and healthy lives.

Can banana bread remain without refrigeration?

yes as long as it wrapped in cling film or in an air tight container.