if it is opened, no more than about 24 hrs, after that, the bacteria from your mouth begins to culture in it and if you drink it you can get sick
if it is unopened, for over a year
do NOT reuse water bottles without washing them with soap every other day at least, otherwise, you will be drinking lots of bacteria and will make yourself ill
what happens to things that sit in water for a long time?
No. Weather may determine how long you sit there. It can get too cold or too hot.
It depends on the make and model. Some don't sit there but a matter of minutes.
4 hours
It will stay for about how long it takes someone to eat a chicken wings.
take off the distributor and dry or let the car sit until it starts...............
30 days, in America...
It is not possible to distill tap water simply by letting it sit. Distillation involves boiling the water, collecting the steam, and then condensing it back into a liquid. This process requires equipment and cannot be achieved by letting water sit.
not very long at all because the cylinders will start rusting soon
sit it in some hot water