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That would depend upon the ambient temperature and humidity as well as your health and activity level. I live in the Chihuahuan Desert and just a year or two ago a family was visiting from France. They decided to take a hike in White Sands National Monument but only took a small bottle of water for each member of the 3 person family during the hottest summer months. They got lost and the parents were dead in just a very few hours. The son survived because the parents had given him their ration of water.

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3 days without water 8 days without food

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Q: How long can the body survive without water?
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Can a plant survive without water?

A plant can survive without water, but not for very long. Humans can survive a day or two without water, but like all life, to have a long life we need water.

How long can your body survive without consuming any water?

The length of time that a human being can survive without consuming water has everything to do with the person's health, age, environment (desert or cool area, etc) and many other factors. However, the average aged human being can survive for no more than 6 days without consuming water.

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