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It would depend on a few factors including the amount of sperm on the toilet, the ambient temprature and humitidy, but in general if a guy were to ejaculate on a toilet seat, they could only live a few minutes.

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13y ago
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16y ago

it will die in about 45 seconds because sperm is not ment to be exposed to oxygen for long periods of time...sperm has a short life span as it is

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13y ago

The acidity of urine isn't good for sperm and they don't last long in cold water so probably not long. I don't know an exact time though.

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11y ago

Sperm dies when it is dry, it cannot live very long outside the body at all.

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Ten days

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Q: How long can sperm live in toilet water?
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water. It will last 10 minutes!!! But sperm does not live long at all. My girl asked the same question and I asked a doctor, he laughed but she got her answer. water is the only thing i know of.

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Sperm can live inside of a female for up to five days after intercourse.

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Sperm typically live for 72 hrs.

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Sperm dies almost immediately after hitting air

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Stomach acid kills the sperm almost immediately.

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Sperm can live inside a woman's body for up to 5 days.