It varies, and there's no way of knowing for sure. One of my friends that I met while in treatment for my eating disorder died after only 5 months of developing the disease. I know another lady who is in my self-help group who has had it for 40 years.
There is no way to tell whether it will kill you quickly or slowly. It's not worth the risk. Because more often than not the lady who has had it for 40 years wishes that it had killed her years ago because she is so depressed and feels so ill all of the time because of it that she is barely living her life at all.
Bulimia can kill you very quickly from a heart attack caused by the electrolyte imbalances (imbalance of minerals that kepp your heart beating). You can also die of a seizure from the dehydration caused by frequent purging (I nearly died from a seizure after having the illness for 2 years, although, as I said, my friend died from a heart attack after only 5 months).
If you have bulimia or are asking this question because you are worried about someone else with the condition, please seek professional help. Please talk to a parent or teacher if you are of school age, or talk to your doctor so that you can get the help you need and deserve as soon as possible. It can kill very quickly. But if you don't die, your life can very soon become a living hell because of it. I've lost my friends, my social life, my social skills, my hair, several teeth, my ability to have children, my place at Oxford University and many years of happiness to it - all lost, never to come back. Please get help as soon as possible before you're trapped.
You deserve the help.
Lukimia is a type of cancer. It was found out by the chemicals of the atomic bomb.
cancer, aids, and lukimia.
pernicious anemia (known now as lukimia)
They live as long as the want to since there dead..
The answer is, no. Who started that roomer? She is a healthy young woman. With awesome tastes. :)
scorpions. lukimia. cancer. skinneness .skin canser
Ask God if he will answer or not.
A lifespan is how long someone will live this is by sebastian chavez
5 days
they live till someone cuts them down or 1000 years
Like all the gods she lives forever (as long as someone believes in them).