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With Dialysis a patient can live for few to several years but with very strict diet & some physical problems and the risk of developing the disease called "Anemia".

Dialysis is an imperfect treatment due to which patient may develop Anemia.

Thus, a patient undergoing the treatment of Dialysis, is likely to develop the disease called "Anemia". Due to Anemia, a patient feels weakness and he/she needs new blood every time over a certain period of time.

99.99 % of the people don't know that renal (kidney) failure can be cured. We are curing patients with kidney failure since few years & getting tremendous results.

Most of the people opt for Dialysis treatment and think that it is the only hope for their survival. In fact, they don't know that:

Dialysis is an imperfect treatment to replace kidney function because it does not correct the endocrine functions of the kidney. Dialysis treatments replace some of these functions through diffusion (waste removal) and ultra filtration (fluid removal).

The kidneys also function as a part of the endocrine system producing erythropoietin and calcitriol. Erythropoietin is involved in the production of RBC (red blood cells) and calcitriol plays a role in bone formation.

When kidneys starts malfunctioning, there can be seen significant increase in the "Serum Creatinine" & "BUN" (Blood urea nitrogen) levels. These elevated figures indicates the decreased functioning or failure of kidneys. Generally, if the serum Creatinine goes beyond the level of approx. 5-7 mg/dl, the patient is recommended to go for Dialysis.

We have developed a natural/ayurvedic medicine, that again brings down the kidneys to their normal functioning. Yes, I am saying that, Failed Kidneys will start working again after the completion of our treatment. The "Serum Creatinine" & "BUN" levels will be normal again with the help of our medicine, which indicates the proper functioning of the Kidneys. The patient will no longer be dependent on Dialysis. After the completion of the treatment, patient won't need our medicine anymore & will be free from Dialysis & will continue a new and healthy life .

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14y ago
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15y ago

Unless they were on a kidney dialysis, they simply wouldn't; the body would succumb to blood poisoning and toxic shock fairly rapidly.

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13y ago

The loss of one kidney does not necessarily reduce a person's life span. Many people donate a kidney to a family member and live a normal life afterwards.

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It depends on how impared the persons' kidney function is.

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12y ago

there really isn't a clear answer for this. it all depends on your food and water consumtion as well as how much urine is passed. alot of urine means you have more time

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14y ago

Several weeks to a month.

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Q: How long can a patient live without kidney dialysis?
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Do you have to have a kidney to live or can you have dialysis without a kidney?


How long can you live with kidney failure and no dialysis?

A person without kidneys that is not on dialysis may only live from a few days to several weeks before dying.

Can you live without your kidneys?

You can live with only 1, but you cannot live without kidneys.A normal human can function with a single kidney. But to live without one requires dialysis on a regular basis.

What happens if a person with kidney failure do no want to undergo kidney dialysis?

Bottom line: You need at least one funtioning kidney to live. Bite the bullet and undergo the dialysis. It's a terrible procedure to have to endure, but it can and will save your life.

Can an average person live without their liver or kidney?

Without their liver, no, not without some sort of medical technology, and perhaps not even then. Without one kidney, yes, quite easily in most cases. Without both kidneys, no, again not without some sort of medical technology (usually a kidney dialysis machine).

Who usually administers dialysis treatments?

the treatment prescription and regimen is usually overseen by a nephrologist (a doctor that specializes in the kidney), dialysis treatments are typically administered by a nurse or patient care technician in outpatient clinics

What medical options are there if both kidneys are failing?

There are only 2: 1) Dialysis - either hemodialysis or pertitoneal. 2) Kidney Transplant

How long can a patient live using kidney dialysis?

The life expectancy of a patient on kidney dialysis can vary widely depending on age, overall health, and adherence to treatment. On average, studies suggest that patients on dialysis may live around 5-10 years, but some patients can live much longer with proper care and lifestyle changes.

How long can you live once kidneys stop?

Without dialysis or a kidney transplant, a person may only survive a few days to a week once their kidneys completely fail. However, with proper medical intervention, dialysis, or a transplant, life can be prolonged significantly.

Can someone live without kidneys?

You can survive without both of your kidneys, but life wouldn't be very enjoyable. You would need to undergo dialysis of the blood every other day to filter unwanted pollutants from the blood. You can, however, happily survive a free independent life with only one kidney.

What if the kidney transplantation is not working?

You can possibly die because your body can not flush out all the waste and urine. Alternate answer: If a kidney transplant fails the patient does have other options but action should probably be taken as quickly as possible. The failure of a kidney transplant means that the patient will either have to have another transplant or they will have to go back on dialysis until something else can be done. People can live normally with only one kidney.

How long can someone who is 85 live with no kidney function?

It is difficult to determine an exact life expectancy as it varies depending on individual health, overall medical condition, and access to treatment such as dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, without any kidney function, a person would typically require dialysis or kidney transplantation to survive. Without treatment, the person's health would likely decline rapidly over a period of weeks to months. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a more individualized assessment.