A human can safely fall 99 feet so long as he starts at least 100 feet off the ground.
a 22 block fall will leave you with 1/2 a heart. a 23 block fall will kill you.
as far as i can remember your not supposed to go to the submarine.
When all your dreams and hope fall apart, you are alive physically but dead mentally.
Most Likley no. And I highly reccomend you don't try it.
Generally, the colours you see in tree leafs during the fall season are caused by the draining of nourishing sap from the limbs of the tree, and the process of the leafs' dying.
22 for skeletons, zombies and creepers however endermen take more.
because they fall out of trees
In the first excerpt, "dying fall" likely refers to a gradual and gentle decline in music or sound. In the second excerpt, "dying fall" could symbolize the fading away or diminishing of hope or life.
By Dying.
the trees dying
The cast of A Dying Fall - 2006 includes: Tennille Read as Katherine David Rego as Ray James Yazbeck as Sal
leaves fall off