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You can stay in a steam room no longer than around fifteen or twenty minutes before it becomes hazardous to your health.

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Q: How long can I stay in a steam room before it is bad for me?
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Do not drink and then enter a steam room, the alcohol can deaden the sense for letting you know when your too hot. Also do not stay in for long periods of time, too long can trigger health problems. Also be sanitary, public steam rooms are not somewhere to sit naked, due to bacteria.

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Steam bath , some people say only take 3 to 5 minute and twice a week ,is it correct When ever you take a steam bath, the time you need to stay can be maximum of 10 min, because in that 10 min itself the pores of our body will be cleared and toxins are send out in form of sweat. If you stay more time its overhead for your body without any use. so what you say is it better to take steam bath or not?

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