30/35 days
Koalas have a really long and complicated digestive system because they only eat Leaves( Eucalyptus Leaves mainly), and these leaves contain toxins which allows their digestive system to take a longer amount of time to break down the food and digest.
four days
24 to 36 hours
percocet takes about 2-3 days 48-72 hours to get out of your system. alot less then that if you dont take it on a regular basis or if its your first time and you only take 1 pill. In addition, Percocet stays in the system longer tha 72 hrs. depending on kidney and liver function . Sometimes delayed also when person is not well hydrated to cleanse the body.
She is leaving this summer.
Bay leaves can last for about 1-2 years before they expire if stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and moisture.
Bay leaves can last for about 1 to 3 years before they go bad if stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and moisture.
if i took somas for pain and im pregant how long before it leaves my breast milk?
I don't believe it leaves anything in your system, and if it did, it's doubtful anybody tests for it like they do THC in marijuana.
cocaine never fully leaves the system, and gradual effects will show, however much you use
rabbits dont have nests lol they have burrows and i have no idea