Dehydrated garlic is good for you as long as it is garlic powder and not garlic salt. Added sodium in your diet is never a good thing. Dehydrated garlic does not have trans fat.
A prescription for Acyclovir or any prescription drug for that matter, is good until the expiration date on the manufacture bottle that the pills originally came from. The expiration dates are usually 3-5 years from date that the pills were made. So from the time that you pick your pills up from the pharmacy you have approximately 2-3 years on average. And even after the pills expire, they aren't going to cause you any harm or anything. It's just that the pills lose their effectiveness.
Brush with Olive Oil and it will last for years.
Yes, all product that you eat will expire eventually, except for honey.
your mom date
6 years
At least 3 days[ put garlic on for better results]
About 6 months after the date.
I suppose it depends on what type of pills they are... If they were prescribed by your doctor then they will help you get better, and pain killers are too, just as long as you don't take them all the time!
put ya pedal to the metal. And take a good dose of sleeping pills.
A standard dose for garlic supplements is 600-1,200 mg per day, but consuming 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic daily can also be beneficial for health. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before using garlic for therapeutic purposes, as it may interact with certain medications and medical conditions.
Until the expiration date.