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no medicines should be used after be disposed of

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Q: How long are garlic pills good after they are out date?
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What is dehygrogenated Garlic Is it good or bad for you Does it havr trans-fat even 0.0000000001?

Dehydrated garlic is good for you as long as it is garlic powder and not garlic salt. Added sodium in your diet is never a good thing. Dehydrated garlic does not have trans fat.

How long is a clove of garlic good for before it goes bad?

A clove of garlic is typically good for about 3-5 months before it goes bad.

How long is fresh garlic good for before it goes bad?

Fresh garlic is typically good for about 3 to 5 months before it goes bad.

How long is peeled garlic good for before it goes bad?

Peeled garlic is good for about 7-10 days when stored in the refrigerator before it goes bad.

How long is garlic good for before it goes bad?

Garlic can last for about 3 to 5 months if stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

How long is a prescription for Xanax valid?

A prescription for Acyclovir or any prescription drug for that matter, is good until the expiration date on the manufacture bottle that the pills originally came from. The expiration dates are usually 3-5 years from date that the pills were made. So from the time that you pick your pills up from the pharmacy you have approximately 2-3 years on average. And even after the pills expire, they aren't going to cause you any harm or anything. It's just that the pills lose their effectiveness.

How long is garlic good for in the fridge and what are the best storage practices to ensure its freshness?

Garlic can last for about 3-5 months in the fridge. To keep it fresh, store garlic in a cool, dry place with good air circulation, like a pantry or a garlic keeper. Avoid storing garlic in plastic bags or in the refrigerator door, as these can cause it to sprout or go bad faster.

Do vitamin e pills get old?

Yes, all product that you eat will expire eventually, except for honey.

How long will homegrown garlic stay good in the freezer?

Brush with Olive Oil and it will last for years.

How long are garlic cloves good for before they go bad?

Garlic cloves can last for about 3 to 5 months if stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

How long can you keep garlic before it goes bad?

Garlic can typically be kept for 3-5 months if stored in a cool, dry place with good air circulation.

How long is coffee good after sell by date?

your mom date