This is done most easily by use of an eye chart ... you know, the one with the big E, followed by progressively smaller fonts as you read downwards.
To be the standard against which all others are measured.
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It would be the same as 20-20 except measured at a different length.
Normal eyesight is typically defined as having 20/20 vision, which means a person can see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 20 feet. Eyesight can be measured using a visual acuity test, where a person reads letters on a chart from a specific distance.
A WBC count is measured in a urinesediment, the normal range is 5-10 per field of vision (400x) in 10-20 μl urine.
Diurnal vision is vision that is specialized for daytime, as opposed to nocturnal vision, which is vision specialized for nighttime.
Vision in French: vision, in Spanish: visión, in German: Vision, in Italian: visione.
A Vision's Just a Vision was created on 2008-12-07.
Central vision refers to the clear, detailed vision that occurs at the center of our field of view. Fringe vision includes the area surrounding central vision and provides some detail but less clarity. Peripheral vision refers to the outer edges of our vision field, detecting motion and objects in our surroundings but with limited detail.
The two main types of vision are central vision and peripheral vision. Central vision is focused vision that allows us to see details clearly, while peripheral vision detects motion and objects in our surroundings.
You haven't the vision to leads this company! My vision is 20/20. My vision was blocked by tree branches the overhanging the intersection.
Your vision at 20ft is my vision at 50ft.