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the liver filters things that you consume so it filters the toxins out of the alcohol

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Q: How is the state of one liver related to alcohol use?
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State one effect of long time consumption of large quantities alcohol?

Cirrhosis of the liver, wet-brain, dependence.

What are the effects of alcohol on livers?

In short, there are numerous liver diseases related to alcohol consumption: Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen; bleeding from veins in the esophagus; enlarged spleen; high blood pressure in the liver; changes in mental function, and/or coma; kidney failure; liver cancer; psoriasis alcohol hepatitis; and Alcoholic cirrhosis

Could an experiment be done with rubbing alcohol and a liver to show the effects of alcohol on the liver?

No, it is unethical to conduct experiments using rubbing alcohol on a liver, even if it is not a living organism. Additionally, rubbing alcohol is a different type of alcohol from the one found in beverages, and the effects on the liver would not be representative of alcohol consumption.

What happens if one does not have the liver?

You can die of alcohol poisoning

How fast can the liver break down alcohol?

The liver metabolizes the alcohol in one drink per hour.

Which organs produces enzymes that break down alcohol?

The main organ that produces enzymes to break down alcohol is the liver. Enzymes such as alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase help metabolize alcohol into less harmful byproducts that can be eliminated from the body.

What percent of alcohol is processed by the liver?

About 95% of the alcohol is processed by the liver.

What is the primary organ that oxidizes alcohol?

The liver. And alcohol abuse is one of the major causes of cirrhosis.

If a person drinks three shots of alcohol how many hours would it take the liver to filter the alcohol?

The liver can metabolize one ounce of alcohol in one hour. Assuming each shot is one ounce, it would take three hours.

How long does it take to lose one unit of alcohol?

It takes approximately one hour for the liver to metabolize one unit of alcohol.

How long to repair a liver from alcohol?

I am in the same boat. The doctor says, no alcohol until the liver is healed. This is strictly because the liver is the organ that filters alcohol. The liver filters poisons from the body and the body considers alcohol to be a poison.

How does Alcohol effect the bodysystem?

Alcohol affects the functioning of your organs most particularly your liver. Liver constantly works to purify your blood by removing toxins. Alcohol produces lots of toxins. Liver overworks and one day it says sorry my dear you can't depend on me.