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The faster and heavier that the flow of blood is, the higher pulse rate a person will have because the heart is pumping faster.

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Q: How is the pulse rate affected by the flow of blood?
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Related questions

What does an increased pulse rate indicate about the heart rate and flow of blood in someone?

It indicates that someones body has an increased pulse rate then you will have a increased heart rate as well this eventually leads to high blood pressure because the blood flows more powerful through the body.

What does an increased pulse rate indicate about the heart rate and flow of blood in someone and body?

It indicates that someones body has an increased pulse rate then you will have a increased heart rate as well this eventually leads to high blood pressure because the blood flows more powerful through the body.

Why does your pulse rate increase in warm climates?

When it is warm outside your blood vessels near the skin dialate to release the heat from your body to maintain homeostasis. The dialation of blood vessels causes an increase in blood flow which causes an increase in your pulse rate.

Why blood flow is slower then pulse rate?

Because the heart beat's function is to pump blood around the circulatory system. Oxygen and Carbon dioxide gasses are exchanged in the lungs. The heart has to pump faster than the lungs inflating to get the newly-enriched blood around the body quickly.

What is pulse raiser?

A pulse raiser is a activity that raises the heart rate it increase the blood flow through the active muscle and it also increase the body temperature.

What is a pulse raiser?

A pulse raiser is a activity that raises the heart rate it increase the blood flow through the active muscle and it also increase the body temperature.

Is there a pattern in pulse rate?

There can be, depends on the flow of the pulse. Hope this helped!

How is pulse rate affected by cold temperatures?

Pulse is slowedYour pulse rate slows down in cold temperatures to help maintain your body's homeostasis of the same temperature. Less blood is pumped to the surface of your skin so it will lose less heat to the external environment.

When you feel a pulse do you feel the blood flow?

Because there is an artery close to the skin there.

What is considered a high pulse rate for a woman in her mid 30s of average height and weight?

Pulse rate above one hundred blood pulse rate is considered to be high blood pulse rate for women of all ages. Keeping blood pressure stable can prevent other health issues from occurring.

What is the pulse in your wrist called?

Tibial pulse or more technically the Tibialis posterior pulse.

What lab values are not affected by sluggish blood flow?

Lab values that are not affected by sluggish blood flow include electrolyte levels (sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate), creatinine, and thyroid hormones (T3, T4, TSH). These values are typically not influenced by the rate of blood flow through the body.