

How is the president protected?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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the president is very carefully watched. there is always some form of his security somewhere within 100 miles of the guy!!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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because they are the leader of the us

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Presidents are protected by the Secret Service .

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Realy good by like hundreds of secret service men!

Is the president protected by the secret service?

No. Congress has its own special security force.

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Arizona's Casa Grande ruins as the first federally protected archaeological site.

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Yes. Unfortunately weapons have gotten more sophisticated, and Obama as the president has been subject to more death threats than any previous president.

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Yes, this type of political speech is protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The protection ends when you enter the area of perjury or you make damaging statements that you know are false. If you go into court to testify and state under oath (falsely) that the President did something, that is perjury. If you go to the newspaper and falsely claim that you saw the mayor take a payoff from a developer, that is libel. Speech that is just opinion or is hyperbole (Obama is too thin to be President, Bush is the worst President in history, etc.) is protected.

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It was called the (1867) Tenure of Office Act. It was used as grounds for impeachment against President Johnson.

Who was the first president to be protected by the Secret Service agents?

The first chief of the Secret Service was William Wood.