The air you breathe out has different amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and a few other substances in it than the air you breathed in. Your lungs absorb a lot of the oxygen, for example, which is then carried by red blood cells to your heart and muscles. Your body also produces carbon dioxide as a kind of waste product which is in the air you breathe out. So the air you breathe out has less oxygen but more carbon dioxide than the air you breathed in did. There are also other smaller changes that you could look up.
you breathing is out and in and that is the breathing is changes is
They both contain the same elements, only different quantities of them.
We get rid of waste when we breath out and when we breath in we take oxygen in to our lungs and breath.
Respiration is different from breathing because when you breathe you enter your lungs when you breathe out , air moves out of your lungs . The air carries carbon dioxide out of your body.
Respiration is different from breathing because when you breathe you enter your lungs when you breathe out , air moves out of your lungs . The air carries carbon dioxide out of your body.
A red fox breathes by inhaling air and exhaling carbon dioxcide. Foxes breathe just like humans breathe but, foxes have different organs in which they breathe in the air
We breathe in air, which is a mix of many different types of gasses. Our body absorbs the oxygen from the air, and expels any gasses that our body will not use.
Camping has air you can breathe.
Betta fish breathe air....yes... that's right... they breathe air. They breathe air because they have an organ by their gills that is called the Labyrinth's Organ which allows them to breathe air. They breathe air by coming up to the surface of the water. Then they gather air in their mouths and hold their breath underwater.
The air we breathe in contains more oxygen and less carbon dioxide compared to the air we breathe out. When we exhale, we release carbon dioxide and other waste gases that our body has produced through cellular respiration.
No, the air we breathe is a mixture of different gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and others. Oxygen is an element, but air itself is not an element.
No, soil does not require the air we breathe. Soil needs air (oxygen) to support the respiration of soil organisms and roots, which is different from the air we breathe. The exchange of gases in soil occurs through pore spaces and is essential for plant growth and nutrient cycling.