Darry and Sodapop are Pony Boy's Brothers
and just another thing there last names are Curtis
just so you know
Cherry Sodapop - sexy Darry Randy
Because Ponyboy was just in a burning church. Darry was being a good older brother and wanted to protect him.
i honestly dont know i came to get the aqnswer myself
that when darry says where have you been he means ive been so worried why did you go?
That's funny, I just was reading The Outsiders, haha (: but their parents died in a car accident.
the qualities of darry and pony boy that cause them conflict is that before there parents died
Darry doesn't have a dream mentioned in the outsiders, but Pony does. Pony can never remember his nightmares.
At jay mountain he lives in a church with his buddy at the town he lived in a house with his two brothers darry and sodapop
i think darry and pony are getting closer because of what happened to pony and darry was so worried about him
they dont really talk
Soda tells Ponyboy that Darry loves him (Ponyboy) but he does not understand him. Ponyboy only see the strict side of Darry.