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Pneumonia is a common disease that occurs in all age groups. It is a leading cause of death among the young, the old, and the chronically ill.[8] Vaccines to prevent certain types of pneumonia are available. The prognosis depends on the type of pneumonia, the treatment, any complications, and the person's underlying health.

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Q: How is pneumonia harmful to the human?
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Is pneumonia a harmful bacteria or benificial bacteria?

i dont care basters

Is pneumonia harmful?

Lung tissue is elastic and expands and constricts when breathing. During this process gases are exchanged. Pneumonia causes inflammation of delicate lung tissue and consolidation or solidification of the tissue. The small and very delicate aveoli (where oxygen is exchanged) become compromised and cannot exchange oxygen and feed the body. The body and it's tissues are starved of the nutrient oxygen. When organs are deprived of oxygen, they begin to die and eventually do die if the pneumonia is not resolved. Sometimes the pneumonia cannot be resolved because it overwhelms the body, or is antibiotic resistant, or complications develop in other organs. Pneumonia if isn't cured earlier can cause death. It is an infection. As microorganisms intrude the body, they produce a lot of harmful substances and it can be fatal. The human body reacts also (fever for example). This reaction can also be harmful to.

How long does pneumonia stay in the human body?


What are the harmful effects to human eubacteria?

Some harmful effects of eubacteria on humans include causing infections such as pneumonia, food poisoning, and skin infections. Certain eubacteria can also produce toxins that are harmful when ingested or come into contact with the body. Additionally, some eubacteria can contribute to antibiotic resistance, making it harder to treat infections.

What is pneumonia and is it harmless?

pneumonia: disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi) with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritant. it can be harmful if its not treated . you can treat it by medicine and rest. it can take up to a week or several weeks to cure pneumonia

Is human Maltodextrin harmful to cats?

Feeding human maltodextrin to cats is not recommended as it can upset their digestive system. Cats have different dietary requirements from humans, and their digestive systems are not equipped to handle certain ingredients found in human food products. It is best to stick to cat-specific food and treats to ensure their health and well-being.

Is pneumonia caused by bacteria or virus?

Bacterial virus from a human

Where can pneumonia be found?

pneumonia is found in your lungs but can be in other places and its a server illness!!

Why falsa fruit is harmful for human health?

It's not harmful at all.

What is harmful to the human body?

well they are not exactly not really harmful they sometimes are harmful because they are scared....

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Why would they give it to humans if it was harmful

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