Effects of Nicotine When a person inhales cigarette smoke, the nicotine in the smoke is rapidly absorbed into the blood and starts affecting the brain within 7 seconds. In the brain, nicotine activates the same reward system as do other drugs of abuse such as cocaine or amphetamine, although to a lesser degree. Nicotine's action on this reward system is believed to be responsible for drug-induced feelings of pleasure and, over time, addiction. Nicotine also has the effect of increasing alertness and enhancing mental performance. In the cardiovascular system, nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure and restricts blood flow to the heart muscle. The drug stimulates the release of the hormone epinephrine, which further stimulates the nervous system and is responsible for part of the "kick" from nicotine. It also promotes the release of the hormone beta-endorphin, which inhibits pain. People addicted to nicotine experience withdrawal when they stop smoking. This withdrawal involves symptoms such as anger, anxiety, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, increased appetite, and craving for nicotine. Most of these symptoms subside within 3 to 4 weeks, except for the craving and hunger, which may persist for months.
A vapor cigarette for nicotine is less harmful than cigarettes as it only provides nicotine and not harmful chemicals.
Go tohttp:/video.healthination.com/wikianswers/smoking-quit-now.html to get more info on these: Nicotine Patch Nicotine Gum Nicotine Lozenge Nicotine Nasal Spray Nicotine Inhaler and more
Tar and nicotine
There are no harmful substances in the E-cigarettes, however 'Nicotine' is still present.
Yes, nicotine alone is harmful to your health. It is a highly addictive substance that can increase the risk of heart disease, lung problems, and other serious health issues.
electronic cigarettes are harmful because of the nicotine but, they are not as harmful as regular cigarettes because they don't have all the tar and extra additives to them.
The three most harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke are nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide. Nicotine is highly addictive, tar is a carcinogen that causes lung cancer, and carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen that your blood can carry.
tar , nicotine , carbon monoxide