Some of the preparations include seed oil, aqueous extracts of the leaf, powder from the leaf, smoke from burning dried leaves, and leaf pastes.
Sure, it does cure amoebiasis. Neem leaves or extract in capsules can be taken for few days to naturally cure the condition.
Neem Neem Shahad Shahad was created on 2011-08-15.
no neem is a dicot.
Neem is the Hindi name of the tree. In English the most common name is Margosa.
nomencluture of neem
Neem is commonly known as Indian lilac or margosa.
neem found in southeast countries
What is margin of neem leaf
Neem Annapurna was created in 1979.
The genus name for neem is Azadirachta.
pigeon lives in neem tree
The duration of Neem Annapurna is 1.6 hours.