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Q: How is lead bad for your body?
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Why is chew bad?

It's not good for you, as it can seriously damage your body and could lead to diseases like Cancer.

What does gum disease do to the body or to the body systems?

Makes people have bad beath. It can lead to infections getting into the blood, it can cause teeth to be compromised and lost.

What do bad relationships lead to?

Bad breakups.

What metals are bad for peircing your body?

Copper, Tin, Lead, Zinc, Brass, Steel, Pot Metal, Iron, Aluminum, Gold, Silver.

Why water should not be supply through lead?

Lead is poisonous if it enters the body, so Water pipes are made from other material now instead of lead. It's not as bad as people make out though if you still have some lead pipes, they are not as unsafe as some people believe.

What is the difference between good body language and bad body language on a person?

Good body language includes standing tall, making eye contact, and smiling, conveying confidence and openness. Bad body language can include slouching, avoiding eye contact, and crossing arms, which can signal disinterest or defensiveness. Good body language can make a person appear more approachable and confident, while bad body language can lead to misunderstandings or negative impressions.

What is bad about lead?

It can be poisonous.

why hardening on the arteries bad?

Hardening of the arteries is bad as it decreases blood flow and limits the amount of oxygen in the body. It can lead to heart attacks and strokes when pieces of plaque break off and block the passages.

Can a tiger lose its life from one bad tooth?

It is possible, as with other animals and humans as well. If the infection enters the blood stream, it can poison the blood and also set infection up in other parts of the body. A bad tooth can lead to infection. A untreated infection can lead to death.

What does your body have to get rid of to stay healthy?

any bad material such as smoking, alcohol, and stress. This will lower your blood pressure which will lead to a more healthier lifestyle.

What bad effects does starch have on the human body?

One of the effects of starch on the body is that it may lead to weight gain which may end up causing health complications. Starch also has the ability to raise the blood sugar levels which may be bad for human health.

Is pepper bad for any part of the body?

is not bad for the body.