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Homeostasis is the maintenance of a more or less constant internal environment. This is important for many reasons. For example the optimum temperature that enzymes in our bodies work is around 37 degrees, our body temperature. If temperatures were to drop then the activity of these enzymes would be slowed and hence so will many metabolic activities. If the temperature exceeds the optimum these enzymes may denature.

Another factor affecting enzymes is pH (acidity of the blood), which also needs to be maintained. A second example is water potential, blood glucose levels hence need to be maintained. If blood glucose levels are too high, then the water potential of the blood will be more negative, thus water will move out of cells via osmosis, causing them to shrink. Too low levels of glucose could cause someone to become unconscious( due to the lack of respiratory substrate), and this may also cause the bursting of cells (osmotic lysis). These are just few of the reasons why homeostasis is important.

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Q: How is homeostasis important in maintaining a healthy functioning body?
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