Health is not only absence of illness, but complete physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing. Illness is distress caused by ill health that affects productivity and necessitates availability of affordable and timely health care.
An abscence of illness
Michael Bury has written: 'Health and illness in a changing society' 'Health and Illness (Short Introductions)'
The Medical model of Health Care presupposes the existence of illness or disease. Emphasizes clinical diagnosis and medical interventions. Health in this model is defined as absence of illness or disease
Sociological definitions of health and illness focus on how social factors such as race, gender, class, and access to healthcare impact individuals' well-being. On the other hand, biological definitions look at health and illness from a physiological perspective, emphasizing factors like genetics, pathogens, and bodily functions. Both perspectives are important in understanding the complexity of health and illness.
It has to do with our belives of health and illness. In the society some people belives that some sources of health system that is illness are of supernatural origins while some belives that it is natural. If one belives that illness is of supernatural origin, he seeking for treatment will be considered a waste but those one that has natural origins or cost could have needs for treatments.
Rogers defined nursing as a humanistic science for maintaining and promoting health, preventing illness, caring for and rehabilitating the sick and the disabled.
In some models, mental health is when people behave as expected in the culture in which they live and mental illness is when people behave in a manner contradictory to that expected in the culture in which they live. In other models, mental health is defined by functional behavior and mental illness is defined by dysfunctional behavior. Almost all models also require delusional beliefs for at least some period of time, but delusions can also be culturally dependent. There are many other models I cannot go into here.
Safety and health legislation sets the minimum expectations of society with regard to what people, businesses and other organization do to prevent injury, illness, or death among employees and the public.
disease is the alternation of the health of a living being. Disease is defined by a cause, the symptoms, clinical and paraclinic signs, the evolution, the prognosis and treatment.sickness include nausea, vomiting other common signs and a general feeling of discomfort and not feeling well. Illness is a state of poor health
Safety and health legislation sets the minimum expectations of society with regard to what people, businesses and other organization do to prevent injury, illness, or death among employees and the public.