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Mild cyanosis cannot be seen. But moderate cyanosis can be made out from the oral mucous membranes.

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Q: How is cyanosis seen in black people?
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Can black people be seen at night?

Of course black-skinned people can be seen at night! They don't become invisible at sundown!

Can we cure a cyanosis?

yes cyanosis is usually curable but the cause of cyanosis may not be (e.g. active dying).

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if you have ever seen black foundation, well then there is your answer.

What year was Uruguay found?

Uruguay was never found because the people there are too black. They are now considered as negros "black people who can't be seen".

Cyanosis in a sentence?

Cyanosis had set into her lips after being out in the cold overnight.

What are the reasons for cyanosis?

Cyanosis is caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood. Cyanosis is associated with cold temperatures, heart failure, lung diseases, and smothering

How is cyanosis related to the respiratory system?

Cyanosis is a blue color to a person. It is related to the respiratory system because if a person is not getting enough oxygen, they can display cyanosis.

What is the combining form for the word cyanosis?

The combining form for the word cyanosis is cyan/o.

How are black people treated in japan?

There is no way to tell how black people are treated in Japan. These people are not often seen but every Japanese will treat someone differently.

Were black slaves counted as people?

No, they were seen as animals and property, but not as human beings or people with rights.

Why be alarmed that a baby has cyanosis?

Cyanosis means not getting enough oxygen, and that's dangerous for anybody.

How did Hades appear to people?

Hades is seen to be tall, muscular, and masculine. He has long black hair and a black beard.