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Amphetamine, a drug that increases focus and wakefulness while decreasing fatigue and appetite, is a chiral compound made from dextro-amphetamine and racemic amphetamine salts, which are specific chemicals.

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11y ago
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15y ago

for all you ice lovers :P here;s a easy recipe, well the main ingrediant is sudafed yep you can find it in most cold and flu tablets or even nasal spray nasal spray. if you choose to use the pills crush the pill up till it i dust boil it, (if yousing nasal spray same procces just no crushing) the get the contents and place into a cup add water stir run the bottom end of the cup under cold water and keep stiring until disolved and cyrstals apear and walah ! you have ICE CRACKHEAD

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14y ago

Methamphetamine is made by several ways but the most common is by the reduction of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine ,using ammonia,lithium or sodium metal,ether, and hydrochloric acid mixed with non-iodized salt in a container to make hrydrogen chloride gas which prosuced the methamphetaine after it is filtered from the ether solution.Other methods involve ehpedrine or pseudoephedrine and red phosphourus,hydriotic acid or a iodine red phospherous combination ,ether or another solvent and hydrogen chloride gas as well as acetone to clean the meth as well as various coffee filters used in the processes to filter the drug from other substances,,this is only the tip of the iceberg of how methamphetaime is made and i am not going to tell anyone how to do it exactly because i was a former user and "cook" of methamphetamine myself and it only leads to legal and health problems and is very addictive mentally.Do bo use it ..You will like it to much and end up dead or in jail or if you are lucky you will end up out of jail and healthy and free from drugs..Take the advice of one whos been there ..don't use methamphetaime.

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12y ago

Adderall is composed of tiny globes of attention grabbing chemicals made of tree bark, Tide, and phosphate of alum. A vat of these ingredients are combined in a lab known as a The Central Nervous System, where finite units are put in test tubes, and cooked with a bunsen burner. The street name for this process is called, "hot-crossed-buns," but the more scientific term is "gludius maximus the third." Once the chemicals have been cooked and the molecular structure reaches the tipping point, a chemist shouts, "Pay Attention," and a batch of Adderall is then ready to give to school children.

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16y ago

it is mixed with a combustion of Hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen all put together and frozen to make a substance such as Ampetamine Wrong wrong wrong

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12y ago

it was invented in the science naval indestry in NY in 1887 by a man named Bobby Yellar.

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14y ago

Methamphetamine is a molecule very similar to Pseudoephedrine.

In pure form, it would be made up of a single type of molecule.

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What are the differences between amphetamine salts and dextroamphetamine-amphetamine?

Amphetamine salts are a combination of different forms of amphetamine, while dextroamphetamine-amphetamine is a specific combination of the two forms of amphetamine, dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine.

What is the difference between amphetamine salts and dextroamphetamine?

Amphetamine salts are a combination of different forms of amphetamine, while dextroamphetamine is a specific form of amphetamine. Dextroamphetamine is the active ingredient in amphetamine salts, which also contain other forms of amphetamine.

What is the difference between d-amphetamine and ic-amphetamine?

ic amphetamine salts are generic for Adderall IR, which contains 4 different types of amphetamine salts, racemic amphetamine aspartate monohydrate, racemic amphetamine sulfate, dextroamphetamine saccharide, and dextroamphetamine sulfate. All of these are amphetamine salts. ic amphetamine salts contain dextroamphetamine as well racemic amphetamine mixtures, which contain equal parts levo- and dextro- amphetamine. So the difference is that ic amphetamine salts (Adderall IR) contains ~75% dextoamphetamine and ~25% levoamphetamine.

What are the differences between amphetamine/dextroamphetamine and amphetamine salts in terms of their effects and uses?

Amphetamine/dextroamphetamine is a combination medication that contains both amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, while amphetamine salts refer to a group of medications that contain different forms of amphetamine. Both types of medications are stimulants commonly used to treat conditions like ADHD. The main difference is that amphetamine/dextroamphetamine is a specific combination of two types of amphetamine, while amphetamine salts can refer to various formulations of amphetamine.

Does d amphetamine salt combo contain sulfa?

You are referring to the d-amphetamine salt combination, known as the brand name "Adderall". To answer your question, it does contain 25% d-amphetamine sulfate (dextro-amphetamine sulfate). This is the entire composition of the d-amphetamine salt medication:1/4 dextro-amphetamine saccharate1/4 dextro-amphetamine sulfate1/4 (racemic amphetamine) aspartate monohydrate1/4 (racemic amphetamine) sulfate

What is amphetamine salts 20mg?

Amphetamine salts is a drug derived from amphetamine; for details see the link below.

What are the hunger suppressant ingredients used in amphetamine?

Amphetamine itself is the hunger suppressant. Amphetamine is its own compound.

Is vivance an amphetamine?

Yes, Vyvanse (Vivance) is an amphetamine.

Why is t5 showing up as amphetamine?

It basically is amphetamine

Is Adderall and amphetamine?

Yes. Adderall Is an Amphetamine. (Mixed Salts Of A Single Antity Amphetamine Product) It Contains, Dextroamphetamine Sulfate, Dextroamphetamine Saccharate, Amphetamine Aspartate Monohydrate, Amphetamine Sulfate. It Is Considered A Schedule II Controlled Substance Under The Controlled Substance Act.

Is alcohol worse then amphetamine?

No, amphetamine is the worse of the two drugs.

Will adderall test positive on a GCMS test?

Yes. Ritalin will definitely give you a positive ua for amphetamine