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It helps produce Bi-213

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Q: How is actinium-225 used in medicine and research?
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Is americium use in medicine?

Yes, americium is not commonly used in medicine. It is primarily used in smoke detectors, research applications, and in some industrial processes.

Best research paper on herbal medicine?

The Herbal Physician's Desk Reference (Herbal PDR) is a tool that can be used to help write a research paper on herbal medicine. It contains information on hundreds of botanicals.

When was Research Institute for Tropical Medicine created?

Research Institute for Tropical Medicine was created in 1989.

How are marmots used for medicine?

In general, marmots are not used in medical production or research. However, depending upon the specific system under study, there may be some lab marmots in medical research. Other that this, the only use for a marmot in medicine would be in traditional medicine; this use would be unsubstantiated and possibly dangerous depending upon what part of the marmot is used and what exactly it is supposed to do.

What type of Doctorate is designated as PD rather than PhD?

PD could stand for professional doctorate, but this would include professions in law, medicine, and is also used to refer to research doctorates with a focus on applied research, or research as used for professional purposes.

What kind of medicine is made out of cnidarians?

Research is being done to determine how the venom of jellyfish can be used to treat cardiac problems.

Where is cloning used today?

Cloning is used in agricultural research for breeding purposes, in biomedical research for studying diseases and developing treatments, and in conservation efforts for preserving endangered species. It is also being explored for potential use in regenerative medicine and organ transplantation.

What was Hippocrates span of research?

Medicine and health.

What research has been done on the Chinese system of food cures?

Research in the West has been largely confined to study of the herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine as distinct from food cures.

What is a radioisopes?

A radioisotope is a radioactive isotope. When radioisotopes decay, they spontaneously emit particles and radiation. Radioisotopes are commonly used in scientific research and medicine.

Who researched on plants as a possible source of medicine?

There are many unknown individuals who have done research on plants as a possible source of medicine. Native tribes did research on plants for this purpose for example.