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You might die if you won't wash your hands before you eat. In the past many people got sick and died because they just didn't wash their hands.

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Q: How important is keeping oneself clean?
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Why it is important to keep our bodies clean?

The importance of keeping our body clean is to look good and to avoid sickness and diseases.

Why health promotion is important?

it is very important to stay healthy by eating a reasonable amount fruit and vegetables and meat every day keeping good hygiene ,excise it's all very important and keeping your teeth clean is important too.

What is the Importance of feminine hygiene product?

It is highly important to keep yourself clean. Especially women because we can easily get infections from not keeping ourselves clean.

How should I clean a grill brush?

A grill brush can be sleaned with warm soapy water. Keeping all cooking areas clean is important for safety.

Why is keeping clean important?

it is important becuase it might be hiding germs inside whatever foods you eat. And wo eats it might get sick

What is a good reason to clean the Windows XP registry?

It is a good reason to clean the Windows XP registry because it would get rid of viruses that are on your desktops. It is a important step to keeping your PC clean.

Why should keeping water clean be an important priority?

Keeping water clean is essential for human health, ecosystems, and a sustainable future. Clean water is necessary for drinking, agriculture, and industry, and the pollution of water sources can lead to widespread health issues and environmental degradation. Protecting water quality ensures that our ecosystems can thrive and that future generations will have access to this vital resource.

How do you clean fuel injectors on a 1995 prism?

Clean fuel injectors are important in keeping an engine running smoothly. To clean the fuel injectors a person can take them out, clean them off, and by adding a cleaning agent to the gas tank to clean them from the inside out.

What is the verb of clean?

Depending on the context, clean is already a verb. For example "to clean something, someone or oneself" is an action and therefore a verb.

How do you keep your city clean?

by keeping it clean

How important is philosophy?

It is important because it is the biography of a person or oneself.