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Q: How high was Helen kellers fever?
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What was Helen Kellers sickness called?

acute congestion of the stomach and the brain or its also called brain fever.

What was Helen kellers disease called?

Helen Keller was both blind and deaf due to an illness she contracted at the age of 19 months, which doctors referred to as "acute congestion of the stomach and the brain." This illness is believed to have been either scarlet fever or meningitis.

What happened in Helen Kellers life?

She caught a fever and that caused her to become deaf and blind that is all I remember from 2nd grade.

When Helen was a baby she had a high fever?

Helen Keller was believed to have Scarlet Fever

About Helen Kellers parents?


Helen kellers birthday?


What is Helen kellers family like?

They Where Gay

What are the names of Helen Kellers parents?


Where did Helen Kellers dad work?

at a farm

What was Helen Kellers education?

went to collegede

Was Helen kellers eyes in back of her head?


Who were Helen kellers friends?

Helen Keller had no friends because of how she was