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10 years ago we didn't know fully how to solve all problems. Now that years have passed we have learned way more and have discovered many new things. Medicine has been a big part in keeping people alive and healthy. When people got sick, we didn't know the full cure on how to solve it all. But now that its 10 years later we have found out way more. The medicines that have been made have saved millions of lives, our life spans are longer, and our quality of health is better. With people been diagnosed daily, we have to be smart about everything we pick to try and help them out. Today the choice of different types of medicine is overwhelming. The medications of today are said to help out way more than 10 years ago. Dealing with all types of cancers all the way to dealing with all types of tumors and kidney stones. Some medicines help get rid of the pain and some get rid of it all together. With every problem there is always a solution. In this case getting medicine that will not lead to you having an STD, AIDS or even death after the process is done.

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13y ago
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16y ago

In the early days people got ill through lack of nourishment and had injuries from fighting, hunting and these are the things they died from. As people settled and communities grew they then started to get more infectious illnesses and died from them. They were more nourished now though. Nowadays infectious illnesses are less common due to immunisation and antibiotics but people now suffer from more chronic illnesses such as diabetes and chronic heart disease due to living longer and lifestyle choices including diet.

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14y ago

health to some of the first doctors just meant that you were absent of sickness. now health has to do with the state of optimal physical, mental and social well-being. It also has to do with wellness which is working to be fit and able to reach your fullest potential of social, physical, intellectual, spiritual and emotional health. So the definition of health has pretty drastically changed and broadened over time.

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13y ago

There are more medicines, pills and threapy. Thus people nowdays live a lot longer. The average age for someone to live to in the UK is 76 for a man, and 78, for a female.

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