Depends on the insecticide and who is in contact with it. Small children and the elderly are most vulnerable.
There is considerable debate on this topic. History teaches us that as knowledge improves insecticides become more dangerous. Since there are organic solutions for just about every pest you can easily control them without risk from insecticides. Would you use something today only to find out later how dangerous it is? I did, and am now sorry for it. I used about the most dangerous insecticide available on the market, one that some groups try to get banned. My son ended up with Torrets Syndrome. I may never know if I caused it. But it has changed my sons life, and if I could do it again I would not use it!
It's an insecticide so.... YES
In fact, the Swiffer WetJet is not harmful to household pets. This was an internet rumor that circulated online. The Animal Poison Control Center has released a statement that there are no adverse chemicals that can be harmful to household pets.
Eating insecticides may cause food poisoning. Also insecticides lead to bio accumulation of those poisons in our body which may have many problems like sterility. There are many harmful effects of insecticide including death of plants. Animals can also get very sick or die if subjected to insecticide.
You would likely see the hazard symbol for toxic substances on an insecticide, indicating that it is harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. This symbol typically features a skull and crossbones.
Because many household cleaners are corrosive - or give off harmful vapours.
Common household items that contain borax include laundry detergent, household cleaners, pest control products, and some cosmetics. Borax is often used as a cleaning agent, disinfectant, and insecticide in these products.
the prefix of the word insecticide is -in
take care of the harmful materials
No, borous acid does not exist. However, boric acid is a compound that is commonly utilized in various applications such as a household cleaner, insecticide, and flame retardant.
use the systemic insecticide or the common spray insecticide. but better you use the systemic insecticide.
They sprayed the new insecticide on the crops.Some insecticide is dangerous to birds.
Raid - insecticide - was created in 1956.