the human body qors with bones if u dident you would not be able to walk and u would be all flexible
Tough and flexible connective tissue in the human body is called cartilage. It provides structural support and cushioning in joints, such as the knees and elbows, and helps maintain the shape of certain body parts, such as the ears and nose.
Cartilage in the human body acts as a flexible and supportive tissue that cushions joints, provides structure to the nose and ears, and helps maintain the shape of certain body parts.
In the human body the knee is a flexible joint. The knee connects the upper part of the leg to the lower part of the leg. The knee is called a flexible joint because it's not stiff. It bends. Other flexible joints are the elbow and the knuckle.
the human body has 62,000 miles of "human pipeline", and that pipeline obviously isn't a straight line. It curves and bends, and sometimes those "pipes" are thin and narrow. Blood cells have to be small and flexible to enable them to make their way through
The shoulder joint is considered the most flexible joint in the human body. It allows for a wide range of motion, including rotation, abduction, adduction, flexion, and extension. This flexibility is due to its unique structure and the surrounding muscles and ligaments that support it.
well,when the person is flexible they don't really have a name. they are just flexible.
In the skeletal system, the cartilage is really important. The cartilage is used to connect our ribs to the sternum. Since the cartilage is more flexible than bones, this part of the body is essential. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to breathe.
It has a rigid skeleton but the body is flexible.
No, people who are more flexible do not have more bones.
The schedule for the project is flexible, allowing for adjustments based on team availability and priorities.
Actually, the average human may not be as flexible to do that. Therefore, only more flexible humans can lick there own armpit. so, my answer would have to be, absolutely not!! If you can do it, that means your abnormal. YES = Abnormal Human. NO = Average Human. Try it yourself.......................