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Sometimes UTIs come on slowly over a matter of days. Other times, a UTI can start with sudden and severe symptoms developing over a matter of hours.

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Q: How fast can UTI symptoms come on?
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Have you ever experienced symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI)"?

Yes, have you ever had symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI)?

Are pregnancy symptoms and UTI symptoms the same?

UTI often involves defamation, pregnancy has a similar measure but is instead a simple remderion.

What STD is similar to the symptoms of a UTI?

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes can all cause some of the same symptoms as UTI.

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Have you had any UTI symptoms like blood in urine or tissue?

What can you drink to help alleviate symptoms of a UTI?

Drinking plenty of water and unsweetened cranberry juice can help alleviate symptoms of a UTI.

What are symptoms of a UTI?

The symptoms of a UTI include a persistent urge to urinate or a burning sensation during urination. Antibiotics and drinking cranberry juice can help to alleviate these symptoms.

Can alcohol help with UTI symptoms?

No, alcohol can actually worsen UTI symptoms by irritating the bladder and potentially interfering with the body's ability to fight the infection. It is best to avoid alcohol when experiencing UTI symptoms and focus on staying hydrated with water.

What has the symptoms of a UTI but is not a UTI?

Sometimes a kidney stone can give off the same symptoms such as burning and pain. Also you can have a bladder infection as well that can also present some of the same symptoms.

Have you experienced any symptoms that make you wonder, 'Do you spot with a UTI'"?

Yes, spotting can be a symptom of a UTI.

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Is flexeril used for uti infection?

No. Flexeril is a muscle relaxant and not helpful in curing or treating the symptoms of UTI.

Does fexofenadine treat a UTI?

Fexofenadine is an antihistamine. It will not kill the germs causing UTI, and will not help with the symptoms, either.