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Q: How fast air flow travel from nose when you sneeze?
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Can a sneeze travel as fast as a hurricane?

Yes, the air traveling out of your nose during a sneeze can travel up to 100 mph, which would be equivalent to a Category 2 hurricane.

Do you sneeze out of your mouth or nose?

When you sneeze, the air and droplets come out of your nose and mouth.

What comes out of your nose when you sneeze?

When you sneeze, droplets of mucus and saliva are expelled from your nose and mouth.

Where sneeze came from?

sneeze of course comes from the nose.

Can a sneeze tickle?

Your nose usually tickles before you sneeze.

Why does your nose run and what causes a sneeze?

your nose runs to expell bacteria/viruses that have been caught in the mucus. a sneeze is caused by an irritation in the nose

Why does your nose run after you sneeze?

To help wash out your nose, making sure that whatever made you sneeze is totally gone.

How would you use sneeze in a sentence?

Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze.

What is a sneeze?

A sneeze is an involuntary expulsion of air induced by an irritation in the nose.

Why sneeze through nose?

People sneeze mostly through their mouths.

How far does a sneeze go?

Cover Your Mouth!The spray radius of a sneeze is 15 feet. A sneeze is a reflex response using the muscles of the face, throat and,chest,releasing up to 40,000 droplets...The droplets of a sneeze can travel as fast as 150 feet a second, so If a sneeze takes a little less than a tenth of a second then the answer would be around 15ft, I'd guesstimate the maximum straight line projection at 12 ft.

You do this when something irritates your nose?

when something irritates your nose you sneeze