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It only works if you take it within 24 hours.

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Q: How effective is the morning after pill at 64 hours after sex?
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If you take the morning after pill and contiue to take the birth control pill is the birth control still effective for the rest of the month?

If you had missed a pill or been late with a pill, causing you to take the morning after pill, then you should use a back up method of birth control for the next seven days. If you didn't forget a pill or take a pill late, then I'm not sure why you took the morning after pill, but the birth control pill will still be effective even though you took the morning after pill. The morning after pill doesn't make the birth control pill less effective.

Is there a pill that you can take up to a week not to get pregnact?

Not after sex no. The morning after pill is available up to 72 hours after and can in rare cases work up to 5 days after sex, and that is before you are pregnant. If you are pregnant only a abortion will do.

Is it possible to get pregnant 4 days after ovulation?

Yes it is possible. If you are worried you might be pregnant for about $16 - $30 you can get the morning after pill from the chemist without prescription. The morning after pill can be taken 72 hours after unprotected sex. The morning after pill is not an abortion pill and will not do anything if you are already pregnant - it will prevent you becoming pregnant, the same way the pill would if you took that.

You had the pill in 68hrs can you become pregnant?

Do you mean you took ONE pill 68 hours after sex? YES, yes. My goodness yes. One pill is not effective. You have to take them everyday for them to work, but will nilly and off and on a bundle of joy you shall have.

What can stop you getting pregnant?

Any type of birth control and you should discuss that with your doctor, which one is best for you. If you've already had sex you can take the morning after pill up 72 hours after sex. After that there is nothing to do.

Is there a pill similar to morning after pill that would work two or three weeks after sex?

Yes. It is called "abortion".

Can you get pregnant in 5 minutes?

It takes a few days to get pregnant but if you mean that he is inside of you, then yes there is a risk. You can use the morning after pill for 72 hours after sex to prevent pregnancy.

What can you buy to prevent pregnancy?

Birth control, condoms, the morning after pill, no sex.

If you take the morning after pill the second day after sex will it work?

Yes it will work...

I took the morning after pill at 12 am and then the other pill 12 hours later and had unprotected sex 10 minutes later after taking the second pill can you still get pregnant?

Chances are unlikely since the Morning after pill can be taken up to 5 days after unprotected sex. But, there is a chance that the pills might not have worked. If you dont get your period or feel weird at all over the next few weeks, I would suggest taking a pregnancy test. BUT, that is a very unlikely case.

How effective is the pill against pregnancy if you take it during your period?

If your a day one starter, which means you take it 24 hours of your period starts, you don't have to wait seven days til sex it is 99% effective.

I missed one cerazette pill then had unprotected sex. when i next took my pill it was over 24 hours late. since being on cerazette i dont have periods could i get pregnant?

I did the same, I got the morning after pill to be sure. if its recently get the morning after pill. I was advised to do a test in three weeks time to be certain. We are unlikely to be pregnant though due to the pill making the lining of the uretus thinner but I'd do the test and got ma pill.