Your organs work with your other systems to keep your body healthy by transferring all the nutrients from the digestive system to the blood and your muscles to help you stay strong and have a balanced metabolism. Your organs also help you move and keep from getting sick by producing, white blood cells and red blood cells. White blood cells are the cells that prevent your body from getting infectious and viral diseases. An example where white blood cells do not help you is leukimia. leukimia is a cancerous disease when your white blood cell count is too high. Causing other cancer cells to produce rapidly.
Red Blood Cells contain oxygen, the heart oxygenates the blood cells as it passes through the ventricles of the heart. This causes you to have more energy. That is why when you have a heart attack your chest feels pressure, that is becasue your heart is no longer pumping the blood.
Way systems do the artery work with
the repository system is the system that the tongue works with
the eye doesn't really work with many other organs or systems
how does the lungs help the other systems to keep the body healthy?
The gall bladder and other organs filter the bad .
Body systems work together to keep the body healthy and the body systems are interdependent (they rely on each other).
The difference between cells, tissues, organs, and body systems are that many cells make tissues, many tissues make organs, and many organs make body systems.
The digestive system is different from the other human body systems because the digestive system holds food and no other human body system does also the digestive system has organs that none other human body systems have.
The heart works with other body systems by constantly pumping blood to all parts of the body. It is the engine of the circulatory system, which provides tissues with oxygen.
How does it work with other systems. It makes harmones and energy.
Yup. There is a reason it is one of the 'noble organs'!Blood pressure.Salt and water regulationFiltration of waste products and pH balance of blood.