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ok here's how it goes..... 1st food is broken down in mouth by teeth and starch is broken down into sugar by enzymes 2nd food is mixed with hydrochloric acid and proteins are broken down 3rd food goes to small intestine and bile from liver breaks up fat and food is absorbed through the wall of the small intestine into the blood. 4th food is stored in rectum before leaving body through anus.

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The digestive system

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Q: How does your body break down the food you eat?
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What is the main function of digested system?

The digestive system processes, breaks down, and absorbs the nutrients from food.Digesting food is to break down the complex molecules of the food to simpler ones so the body can use it in the way it wants to. The function of each organ in the digestive system is to help convert food into simpler molecules so it can absorbed by your body and can then be used by the cells.Well the digestive system is there to break down your food so it can fit into your intestines to get the nutrition, and the leftover gets...*cough* you know. Basically it's there to break down the food you eat. To break down and digest your food

Body chemical that breaks down food?

Enzyme is one of the body chemicals that break down food. It is ready in your saliva before you eat. Bile, or stomach acid also breaks down food during digestion.

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It is called digestion, where enzymes and acids in your stomach and intestines break down food into nutrients that can be absorbed by your body for energy and growth.

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Which body part starting with you breaks up the food you eat?

The mouth, specifically the teeth, break up the food you eat through the process of chewing.

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You are saliva. Saliva contains digestive enzymes that help break down food into smaller molecules that can be easily absorbed by the body.

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When you consume food, your body breaks it down into sugar. Your body uses the sugar as energy for the cells. Some foods break down into sugar faster than others.

What does the digestive do?

The function of the digestive system is to break down the food we eat into simpler substances that can be absorbed by the blood.

When you eat your body breaks down the food you eat into a form of sugar called what?

Your body breaks down the food you eat into a form of sugar called glucose.

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Yes, one example of good bacteria in your body is the bacteria in your digestive system that helps break down the food that you eat.

Does your body break down foods you eat into nutrients?

yes it does through out your body