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Because without water we can not live and what it supplies is that it keeps the blood circulation keep on going

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Q: How does water make us healthier?
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Can water make you prettier?

Drinking water can improve your health, and the healthier you are the prettier you can be.

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sports make us healthier and happier.

What is more healthier for green onion's soil or water?

Water is much healthier for green onions because green onions require water than soil to make the grow.

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they announce dangerous or new animals, make water healthier for animals and us, and help cure animals and breed endangered animals

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Boiling sugar in water hasn't an advantage.

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It depends what is making the water dirty. If it is nontoxic it will not make much difference.

What is healthier a water bong or spliff?

A water bong, since you do not smoke burnt paper fumes. Also, i belive the water works as a kind of filter. But if you want to make smoking THC healthier, do some research on VAPOR smoking. You'll be glad you did.

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Are Ingeo water bottles healthier?

no they are not

Why do they add color in brown bread when its not made of whole wheat?

For marketing purposes, to make us think it's healthier.

What can I do to make my body better and healthier?

You can start by eating healthier and exercising. Eating your daily intake of fruits and vegetables and plenty of water. Exercise at least 30 min a day to heat your blood pumping.