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Your body is 75% made up of water. So when you drink water you replenish the waste from the cells that make up the tissues, that make up the organs of your body. Water is a "must have" for the body.

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Q: How does water help your organs?
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What molecules help cushion organs?

Molecules such as water, lipids, and proteins contribute to cushioning organs in the body. Water provides a fluid environment that surrounds and protects organs, while lipids, such as adipose tissue, act as a cushioning layer. Proteins, like collagen, form supportive structures that help protect and maintain the positioning of organs.

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The correct spelling is "fish gills." Fish gills are respiratory organs that help fish extract oxygen from the water.

Organs that filter water and dissolve wastes from the blood and help maintain proper levels of water and salts in the body?

That would be the kidneys Sources: Health class

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The organs in the repiratory system, help you breathe. When the oxygen is in the body, the heart pumps it around to help the blood.

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How do you take care of your organs?

simply by eating the right food and exercising, it will not only help your organs but will also help the outside body.

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lives in water and has no orgins

What were buffalo organs used for?

The organs of a buffalo was used for medicine bags, water container, pouches, and containers for water and for cooking.

What was buffalo organs used for?

The organs of a buffalo was used for medicine bags, water container, pouches, and containers for water and for cooking.