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Juicey juice is 100% all natural juice. my mommie says that it gives Barry Bonds his boost when he plays Baseball. i think shes confused with steroids

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11y ago

Because humans body compose of water about 70% so when you drink water and absorb it , it will purify and detoxify each cell in your body.

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Q: How does water help your body stay alive?
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How does water give you energy?

Well, our body is made 70% of water so we need it to stay alive.

What do flowers need to stay alive?

Flowers need water, sunlight, and nutrients to stay alive. Water is essential for hydration and nutrient uptake, sunlight provides energy through photosynthesis, and nutrients help support growth and development. Proper care, such as regular watering and fertilizing, can help flowers thrive and stay healthy.

What can help the body systems stay healthy?

water, food, and exersize.

How caterpillar able to stay alive without drink water?

Caterpillars do not drink water. How are they able to stay alive

What are 2 ways roots help trees stay alive?

Roots absorb water from the ground and stabilize the tree.

Does Sandra bullock stay alive in the movie gravity?

yes she survived the greatest fall ever from space landing in a body of water

What three food to help animals stay alive?

It depends on the type of animal but they need plants,water, meat, fruit etc

How do eagles stay alive?

Eagles nurture themselves to stay alive. They also drink enough water to sustain themselves.

What are four things do you need to stay alive?

The four thing you need to stay alive are: Oxygen, water, Food, and Air

How long can a person stay alive without water?

This period is variable and different for each person; the lost of approx. 15 % of the total body water content is lethal.

What is so special about the conditions in your body?

so you can stay alive

How can you have the ability to stay live?

Nutrients going into the body, can allow someone to stay alive. As well as getting enough oxygen and blood flow in the body. These things are very important to allow someone the ability to stay alive.