water afect humans because it give us something to drink and give us energy
Precipitation brings rain. It supplies water to humans.
"Polluttion" does not exist but pollution definitely does affect humans.
they polute water
Humans affect the cycles by performing certain activites. They cut down trees, pollute water bodies.
the use water to dissolve it
it gets unwanted water in our water but that water is not good for humans
it gets unwanted water in our water but that water is not good for humans
Poor water affects humans everyday. Poor water can cause people to have parasites and become extremely ill and even die.
Poor water affects humans everyday. Poor water can cause people to have parasites and become extremely ill and even die.
water afect humans because it give us something to drink and give us energy
Water quality affects human health. One should consume clean water.
*How do pesticides affect humans and animals?