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Q: How does the pelvis help your body?
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Is the pelvis a organ?

Pelvis is a region of the human body.

Pelvis is what region of body?

between the chest and the belly is where the pelvis is located

Bones of human body?


In a human body how many ball and socket joints are in the pelvis?

There are two ball and socket joints in the pelvis: the hip joints, where the head of the femur (thigh bone) articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvis.

Do guys have a pelvis?

Yes, males also have a pelvis. It is a bony structure that provides support for the lower spine and protects the internal organs of the pelvis region. The male pelvis is generally narrower and more vertically oriented compared to the female pelvis.

What is the portion of the body between the thorax and pelvis?


What bony structure joins the upper body and spine to the lower body?

The pelvis

Are renal pelvis and renal calculi the same?

The renal pelvis and renal calculi are not the same. The renal pelvis is a normal part of the body. Renal calculi are kidney stones and are not normal.

Is the femur bigger than the pelvis?

the femur is the largest, longest, and strongest bone in your body therefor it is bigger than the pelvis

Body parts that start with the letter P?

· pancreas · patella (kneecap) · pelvis · pinky (little finger) · potbelly

Which is higher abdomen or hip?

The abdomen is higher on the body. It is the area between your chest and pelvis. It is where your abs are located. The hip is around the pelvis.

What is the center of gravity of the human body in various positions?

The center of gravity of the human body is typically located around the lower abdomen area when standing upright. When bending forward or backwards, the center of gravity shifts accordingly. When lying down, the center of gravity is closer to the middle of the body.