The gag reflex is the throat closing up and trying to force a foreign object down the throat. It is the body's attempt to stop choking by clearing the object out of the vital area.
It is called the "gag reflex." It is really one of the body's defense mechanisms to prevent foreign matter from entering the esophagus. You may have experienced this at the doctor's office when they place the tongue depressor far back on your tongue.
If you smell something really nasty like a dirty nappy you either just wrinkel your nose or your gag-reflex is activated. This reflex used to be to protect us from eating things which can harm us e.g.: mouldy food or faeces.
One important aspect of reflex action is to help protect us without having to think. Reflex actions are involuntary and quick. They are done to meet an emergency and occur at the level of the spinal cord. Examples include the gag reflex clearing unplanned foreign objects or your eyelid closing when something gets near your eye.
One important aspect of reflex action is to help protect us without having to think. Reflex actions are involuntary and quick. They are done to meet an emergency and occur at the level of the spinal cord. Examples include the gag reflex clearing unplanned foreign objects or your eyelid closing when something gets near your eye.
the heimlich maneuver(: lol
George Bush
Advantages of reflex action it prevents us from getting injury because when we touches a hot object it can harm our hand and can cause injury we pull our hand quickly because of reflex action it prevents us from injury by taking immediate action
Advantages of reflex action it prevents us from getting injury because when we touches a hot object it can harm our hand and can cause injury we pull our hand quickly because of reflex action it prevents us from injury by taking immediate action
For most of us- you will Gag. With practice you can do this- but why ?
The body cools us down using sweat. Did you know buzzards cool down their bodies by puking on their feet? -gag-
Different guys like different feelings. For some of us, the most sensitive part of the penis is the head (tip). For others, it's the underside, or the area just behind the head. Before taking the penis in your mouth, you might want to lick it to moisten it, or run it across your lips. Your lips should be wet, and as the penis moves in and out of your mouth, you can tickle it with the tip of your tongue or squeeze the sides by pulling in your cheeks. Most guys' penises are long enough to trigger the "gag reflex," but most guys like to get the whole length of the penis in. (The base of the penis is another sensitive area for most of us.) You can learn to control the gag reflex, but it takes practice and a cooperative partner who will let you control the depth of the penis. Some guys like just a hint of teeth, but most of us don't. Remember this, above all: it's supposed to be fun for both of you!
Choking and the Heimlich ManeuverChoking, which is caused by food or another foreign object becoming lodged in the throat, or airway, accounts for nearly 4,600 deaths each year.