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Q: How does the body acquire immunity?
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Why aren't vaccines done annually?

The purpose of a vaccine is to build the body's immunity to the specific disease. It is expected that you will acquire immunity after a certain number of shots. As long as you maintain your immunity for that specific virus, you will not need another shot. I have to get a measles shot every year, because for some reason I do not retain my immunity.

Are vaccinations the only way will acquire immunity?

No actually having had the illnes can in some case give you immunity if it doesn't kill you

Why new born are vaccinated?

To acquire immunity against fatal diseases.

How does an animal acquire an active immunity to disease?

Active immunity to a disease is acquired either through getting the disease or being vaccinated for it.

What are two types of acquired specific immunity?

There is innate immunity (that you are born with) and acquired immunity. Acquired immunity you get when you are vaccinated or you get the disease and fight it off. The best example is that of what we call common colds. There are about 100 different viruses that cause them. This is one reason that babies and young children seem to be always be coming down with one or getting over one.

A positive tuberculin skin test shows cellular immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis How could a person acquire this immunity?

having the actual disease

How do you get immunity?

immunity is when your body fights of infectious disease

Over time where the Indians able to acquire enough immunity to survive European diseases?


How natural immunity comes about?

Basically the body prduces white blood cells which produce an anti-body which is the natural process of an immunity in the body.

What immunity is where resistance is provided by antibodies released to body fluids?

humoral immunity

What type of immunity in which the body receives antibodies from another organism is?

Passive Immunity is when the body receives antibodies from another organism.