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Its when you are a cone head

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Q: How does the biotic community benefit from these relationships?
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Does a community have biotic and a biotic factors?

No, a community is all the biotic factors in an ecosystem.

Interactions among populations in a community the community's physical surrounding?

It is biotic factors It is biotic factorsecosystem

What is a series of changes in a biotic community that progress toward a climax community?

sequences of change in community

What are the types of relationships in the ecosystem?

They are BIOTIC and ABIOTIC.

What is a microcomunity?

It is a community(with biotic and a-biotic features) inside of a larger community. For example one plant in the whole garden.

Can a biotic community exist without producers?

A biotic community can not exist without producers. This is because producers are the only source of energy from the sun.

The climate does not depend on?

i think its biotic community

What are three biotic parts of a marsh community?

Every ecosystem has a number of abiotic and biotic factors. In a marsh community three biotic factors would be animals, algae and plants. These all influence each other.

What gives an ecosystem its structure?

The web of relationships gives an ecosystem its structure and life. This will show the feeding relationships between producers, consumers and decomposers which will result into a balance in the ecosystem.

1 What is the difference between the biotic community and the abiotic environmental factors of an ecosystem?

abiotic starts with a a and biotic does not

How are they similar the biotic community and ecosystem?

Biotic Community- A group of interdependent organisms living and interacting with each other in the same habitat. Ecosystem- a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment

Why are animals described as macroconsumer in the biotic community?

A biotic community is defined as a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other. In the order of life, a biotic community can not exist with macroconsumers in order for life to continue.