In the satirical story "The Nose" by Nikolai Gogol, the nose magically reattaches itself to Major Kovalyov's face while he is shaving, without explanation. The story is meant to be bizarre and illogical, adding to its humor and absurdity.
it suddenly reappears back on Major Kovaloff's face.
trying to escape to the city of riga
It suddenly reappears on major kovaloffs face
trying to escape to the city of riga
On the way to Riga
Your nose is the cartilage structure in the middle of your face, through which you can sense (smell) scent.
on you nose on you nose
'to spite'
Yes, anatomically speaking, the nose is located higher on the face than the chin. The nose is part of the upper face while the chin is part of the lower face. This relative positioning makes the nose "superior" to the chin.
A Patrician nose, also known as a Roman nose, is a facial feature characterized by a prominent, straight bridge and a slightly hooked or aquiline shape. This nose shape is often associated with nobility, wealth, and power due to its historical prevalence among the upper class in ancient Rome. The term "Patrician nose" is derived from the Latin word "patricius," which refers to the elite class of Roman citizens.