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It gives heat to the earth and makes it the right temperature for us, or else it would be so cold we would die.

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Q: How does sunlight support your life?
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What determines the type of life a biomes can support?

What determines the type of life a biome can support is the amount of sunlight, the temperature, and soil. All of these factors decide what type of life is in a biome.

Does mars have enough sunlight to live on?

There is enough sunlight on Mars to support photosynthesis, but factors other than sunlight make it inhospitable. Mars is too cold to live on outside of a heated shelter and the atmosphere is too thin to support any sort of Earthly life.

Why the sun can support life?

The sun can support life on Earth because it provides energy in the form of sunlight, which is essential for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy, which is then consumed by other organisms for survival. Additionally, the sun helps regulate Earth's temperature and climate, creating conditions suitable for life to thrive.

What energy does a beam of sunlight has?

A beam of sunlight carries radiant energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, primarily in the form of visible light. This energy is essential for photosynthesis in plants and provides warmth and light to support life on Earth.

What are some of the hazards of antarctica?

Cold, wind, lack of sunlight and humidity, the challenge of overall survival, based on its remote location and inability to support life.

How sunlight supports life?

That are two ways of supports life in sunlight ask your mama LIOL

Is there life that requires no sunlight?


What can you do if there is no sunlight?

if there was no sunlight life on earth would not survive for very long.

Can you get sunlight in the ocean?

yes sunlight can get in the ocean without sunlight many marine life would not exist

How there can be life in places with little precipitation or sunlight and how does it affect that life?


The physical components of the environment interact to support life?

Yes, the physical components of the environment, such as air, water, soil, and sunlight, interact in complex ways to create and maintain ecosystems that support various forms of life. These interactions provide essential resources and conditions necessary for organisms to survive and thrive.