

Best Answer
  • Your heart speeds up
  • Blood flow to your brain and muscles increases up to 400 percent
  • Your digestion stops (so it doesn't use up energy that's needed elsewhere)
  • Your muscle tension increases
  • You breathe faster, to bring more oxygen to your muscles
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Q: How does stress affect physical health?
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How does long term stress affect blood flow?

Long term stress can have a detrimental affect on physical and mental health.

Can living with liars affect your physical health?

Yes. The stress will kill you.

How do hassles affect feelings of stress and physical health?

The hassles experienced in modern day life affect the feelings of stress and physical health by prompting the brain to release certain hormones and chemicals that increase worrying in the brain .

Can your emotions affect your physical health?

Yes emotions can affect physical health in many cases. They affect brain, which affects the physical health of person.

How does internalizing feelings affect mental health?

internalising feelings lead to stress and depression which inturn affect our physical, social and mental wellbeing of individuals. Mental health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing not just the absence of disease.

How does stress affect someone?

stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior.

How does the physical appearance affect your mental health?

It boots your self-esteem so that makes your mental health healthier. :)

Is stress a negative affect or effect?

Stress is a negative effect of consistently dealing with difficult life circumstances. It has been proven that having too much stress in one's life can lead to poor physical and mental health.

How does physical health relate to mental health?

Physical health and mental health are closely related due to cause and affect.

How do inheritance affect your physical health?

Your matabolic rate can be inherited, thus affecting your physical health.

What are the physical factors that affect health?


What are 4 major factors influencing personal health?

Diet and nutrition: Eating a balanced and healthy diet impacts overall health and well-being. Physical activity: Regular exercise and movement help maintain a healthy body and mind. Sleep: Sufficient and quality sleep is essential for physical and mental health. Stress management: High levels of stress can negatively affect health, so finding ways to manage stress is important.