Marraige is a big thing and some guys get afraid of it even when there really is no need to be. You can't tell if he wants to get married but you can see the signs that he is comfortable with you and you can see him staying with you. You don't have to wait for him to propose, blow him out of the water by doing it when you feel that he is ready.
depends on who you are and how much you are in love with each other. you will know when the time is right
Answer When you love someone enough, you will find a way to tell them. You will know when the time is right.
By spending time with them and talking to them. dont be to personel till you know who they really are are they the right freind for you
the right time to get married is when you feel as though you reaaly love her and she shares your heart with you
Walk right up to him/her, say 'I love you,' one last time, then walk away. find someone better who will treat u right :)
Some people feel that cheating with someone who is married does not require a lot of time and commitment. A married person may require less of someone elses time, because she is married.
U don't and the reason why because you have to get to know him and spend time together to grow you as one. Then you will find out if he the right one or not
The right reason is similar to a biological imperative--you have to do it. If you are logically thinking it is time, that the person will do, and so on, it is neither the time nor the person to marry.
it doesnt matter how many years, it depends on the actual relationship if it is the right time you will know.
If your question is 'does merely marrying a US citizen give someone the right to remain in the US' then the answer is 'no'.
You don't but if you don't try or find out on your own then you will never know. We all have to take the risk when it comes to relationships but if we never try we just would never know or find that special someone whether it be now or down the road in the future but we learn from our relationships to make the next ones better. Go with your heart, feelings and instinct and see where it takes you.