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Theoreticaly, we sneeze because something is in our that should *theoretically* get any unwanted intruders out. Signed, Kaguya Kaze by: Karuto

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15y ago
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14y ago

People sneeze because they are so addicted to the computer or laptop. You lazy person

get off the computer and get some exercise!

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14y ago

Sneezing clears your nose and nasal cavities of irritants. And it feels very satisfying, sometimes ;)

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12y ago

it helps cuz it lets gunk out of ur sestem

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12y ago

Yes, it is because it removes the fine particles present in wind pipe.

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What do Sneezing and coughing do?

They help to clear such irritants from the respiratory tract

What is wrong with sneezing?

nothing, it just help your germs out of your body

How many car accidents are caused by sneezing in the US per year?


Can dogs catch human bugs?

they can start sneezing and they can catch rabies from us but its not common for a dog to get a bug from us.

How does sneezing and coughing protect the body from viruses?

They help to expel the viruses caught in the respiratory mucus.

Can you do anything to stop or help your guinea pig from sneezing?

No, but when I had a guinea pig I asked about it and they said it was no big deal.

Can you give you kittens an antihistamine when they seem to have a cold or flu and are sneezing and have a runny nose and eyes?

NEVER give pets human medicine or anything that was not prescribed by a vet their bodies are different than ours and what will help us can kill them

How do you avoid yawning?

Press upward slightly on the underside of your nose and it will help to block the signals for both sneezing and yawning.

Can sneezing break your neck?

some people die from sneezing

Why do you feel pins and needles in your back when sneezing?

You get pines and needles when sneezing because it is your body's evolutionary reaction to a time when we were aliens traveling from Aldebaran to Earth. It reminds us of our roots in a pines and needles colony of alien origin.

What is a plant that can induce sneezing?

One plant that can induce sneezing is ragweed. It produces pollen that can trigger allergic reactions, including sneezing, in some people.

What is a simile for sneezing?

A simile for sneezing could be "like a trumpet blasting."