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go with your gut and look for your love in the world!

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Q: How does sixty two year old woman find love?
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You may be able to find a policy at

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You are a 35 year old woman in love with a twenty year old?

Who cares? Love is crazy! If you love him and he loves you, go for it!

Can a 17 year old boy truly fall in love with a 36 year old woman?

Sure, why not. Love is love.

Can a man find love with a 48 year old woman?

Yes but what kind of love. Like brother sister .friend anything but depend on both

Can a 23 year old man really love a 43 year old woman?

Yes a 43 year old man can love a 43 year old woman if and only if he feels that there is a strong connection.

Will you find love this year?

Finding love this year might be possible. It all depends on who the guy is.

Can Marred man his age is 41 year fall in love with marred woman her age is 38 year?

Of course they can. The funny thing about love is that it doesn't discriminate against anything and we can find ourselves falling in love with anyone. Because this woman is in a relationship/marriage I would say that you shouldn't act on your feelings. Everyone will get hurt because it will turn out messy and breaking up a marriage is a terrible thing to have on the conscience.

How many times should a 56 year old woman make love a year?

a 56 year old women should only "make love" a couple times a year. that's nasty!

Should a fifty year old woman that have sexual desires marry a sixty year old man?

NO!ANS2:That'd be her business...well, he might have a say, too. Everybody else ought to butt out.

Can 18 year old woman dates 32 year old man?

Technically speaking yes, but most cultures do not content. Love is love, if this person loves you and you love him then age does not matter.

What is the fastest present to get for a 44 year old woman?

The fastest present to get for a 44 year old woman is a telephone call expressing how much you love her. You can also have a gift overnighted to her.