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If you mean sick as in ill, young children often refer to them as poorly and older people may call them unwell. It depends your age or background.

If you mean the modern version of sick like wicked or totally awesome then maybe u could use the words well cool or the best?

If you mean sick as in gruesome and horrid then use the word undecided or gory or even just plain horrible.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 9y ago

UGLY and weak!

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Q: How does sick person look?
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See if they are coughing or just ask that person sick person! If it is sick! Well lol if you got in trouble for rudeness!

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What is sick means?

It means the person is sick and is not at work or their place of business.

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Why do medical offices sterilize all used items?

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